I believe he knows what he is talking about in relation to the business, relaxation and sensory. I think he is a naturally amazing teacher with a commanding presence.
When I came into this workshop I had kinda (read: almost totally) lost the tools I could once rely on onstage, let alone the confidence. And all my creativity was somehow manifesting itself in my writing instead. The workshop put me back on the right track, especially with the diverse class, which is always inspiring. This workshop/the environment that you provided made us all feel safe enough to follow our impulses and try new things. There's also a very nice, open vibe about it which contributes to the 'safe-ness' environment. Also I like how personal growth is encouraged, rather than holding everyone to a similar standard. Classes were definitely professionally handled and I loved how you were available even outside of class hours, that was good assurance. The lesson plan was nicely paced.
I had an amazing time learning new things, and I know I will be able to use it in my acting career!
I have had the opportunity to know Kamil Haque as a teacher, as an actor, as a director and most of all, as a friend.
It really helped me to have more control of my body during the relaxation exercises. Also I like that you got us to really think about our goals in life! Thank you for everything! You rock!
I liked how you made us feel it was okay to mess up during relaxation/sensory/scenes. It was great to know our progress and the things we do well and how to work with what we do well, and also to learn about things we need to improve on. I love how you were encouraging and always telling us that we can be working actors.
I really love class with you. From the first day I was so touched at how much you really cared! I also loved that you would not only read our assignments, but give notes and feedback. I always looked forward to what new, exciting things you had planned for each class.
The hugs, sharing and willingness of everyone to truly participate is reflected, echoed and enhanced through the weeks.
This brings more attention to how you affect others rather than pushing forced emotions to feel that you are 'in touch' or 'feeling it'.
You helped me to feel at home. As the weeks went by I learnt so much about the world of acting and you are the only teacher that detailed it so much in class. I think no teacher will ever do that.
He is very smart and always curious, constantly eager to learn. He has a mind of his own and if he has set his mind to something he is behind, you can be sure he goes through with it. Kamil is a risk taker. He bends the rules without breaking them. He is reliable, someone you can trust. He never complains. He is always friendly and forthcoming. As a teacher Kamil is extremely dedicated, always very well prepared and organised. He is refreshingly practical without even slightly losing sight of theoretical aspects. Kamil is highly interested in his students’ success and backed by positive criticism, he aspires to bring out the best in them. He has done his homework so now go on and do yours.
Thank you for all the work and effort you have put into me and the acting class. You're a great teacher! I will forever embrace all the advice you have given me.