
[Fundamentals of Acting] Follow-up Email After Three Days

Fundamentals Bonus Videos – Just for you!

Hi Fellow HCACers,

Congratulations on completing the Fundamentals of Acting Workshop, you are officially part of our family!

What you took part in will be something your future self will thank you for. Your Fundamentals of Acting experience might be over…but your creative journey is just beginning!

Our students always tell me that acting has greatly benefited their day-to-day life, and I’d love for you to experience the same.

That’s why I’ve created a video series of 3 bonus acting exercises, each building on your Fundamentals experience…they’redesigned to help you be a more confident communicator in the workplace and in social situations.

You’ll find the first of the videos attached. It’s an exercise I call Thumbs Up, Cool down. If you’ve ever wondered how to control your nervousness before a big meeting, a date or even in casual conversation, this one’s perfect for you.

Video Link:Fundamentals Bonus Videos Round 1

If you would like to sign up for any of our workshops, here’s a one-time 30% discount code welcometohcac on any workshop atwww.methodactingasia.com

Stay tuned for the next video!

  • P.S: If you’re feeling overwhelmed with our course offerings and you’re not sure which is right for you, reply to this email, tell us what you liked about your Fundamentals experience and we’ll recommend something just for you.
  • Be sure to join our private Facebook Student & Alumni Page for all the latest class information and promos:HCAC Students and Alumni

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